Last night in Georgetown, Parish Gallery opened a show of black and white photographs by Dennis Cook, a longtime technician for CBS. Take a stroll by there if you get a chance; it's in the square of the Sea Catch Restaurant at 1054 31st Street. Many of the photos look at the dunes of California, near San Luis Obispo, Cook told us. My friend said it reminded her of The English Patient, and it's true. Hard to believe that it's California. Cook also throws in a beautiful photo of a gondola in Venice and some in Taos as well.
Hillyer Art Space, in the alley behind the Phillips Museum, has enjoyed quite a rise in the last couple years, and it couldn't happen to nicer folks. This coming Wednesday, they will be hosting an open Artists' Forum from 6:30 to 7:30 to discuss ideas for the future. Founder and President David Furchgott gave us a tour of the upstairs a couple months ago, and they have quite a collection up there - all from the famous Hechinger collection that was bequeathed to them (International Arts and Artists). If they're looking for a little help from their friends - that's not even financial - seems like we can oblige.
If you're looking for some company for Screen on the Green, I think I've found a group that's not all undcer 30. Send an email and I'll forward the info. Close Encounters of a Third Kind should fill the Mall with some astral vibes and provide people with excitement even after the HBO Dance. If you don't know what that is, you really need to go.
I've been seeing Aviva Kempner around for years, so it's great to see her new film Yoo Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg, open to nice reviews, both here and in New York. Catch her with the film at the wonderful Avalon Theatre, tonight (July 18) at 8pm, Sunday at 11am and Monday night at 8pm (with Women in Film and Video). Her last film, The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg, proved excellent, and this one should be the same. What's interesting about historical documentaries is that they can be real cliffhangers. I mean, I didn't know when the Tigers would win or lose the World Series that Greenberg palyed in, and I don't much about Goldberg, which is exactly the point of the film.
More later, I'm off to see what's happening on Alexandria this beautiful morning!
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